Poetry is necessary

A field of ham pink glitter is behind edgy hand drawn lines of navy blue

I am planning to make this phrase a sticker and I was doing a little research just now to see if the phrase was used anywhere already. I ran across this lovely article from 2011 that really hits home on why I adore poetry. Read it here. It’s even titled “Why Poetry is Necessary” and I think the author, Roger Housden, did as good a job as I might articulating the magic & life altering qualities of a poem.

Poetry is a place, see. It’s not of this mundane everyday life, yet it deals entirely with our mortal condition of being here, now. It has the power to transport us to languid musings of imagination and loud bursts of fanciful soul dancing. It can be strike raw, too, when we remember we aren’t alone in whatever fresh hell we’re now living.

Dark, black, messy abstract art with undertones of hot pink, a little green, is that blue?  Moody art is the main image with white edgy cursive text below that says "Magic is real" and has a star dotting the "I"" in magic.

“Poetry at its best calls forth our deep being. It dares us to break free from the safe strategies of the cautious mind; it calls to us, like the wild geese, as Mary Oliver would say, from an open sky. It is a magical art, and always has been -- a making of language spells designed to open our eyes, open our doors and welcome us into a bigger world, one of possibilities we may never have dared to dream of.”

Mirthos, you see, was created to free your heart into the Universal ether where your soul breathes poetry back into your cells! It’s an ongoing mission!

Ham pink glitter background has a hand drawn swath of navy blue marks over top of it

I want to bring the joy & surprise & discovery & magic that poetry can provide to more people through my stationery line & artwork. This is part of what keeps me sane & optimistic in the world. The more often I indulge in some poetic musings, some daydreaming, some unplanned adventures, & pay attention to the uncanny synchronicities around me - the better I feel & the better I can share delight with others. Try it out!

Hilary Meehan

Lavish, eccentric & earnest - oh, yes, that describes me AND my greeting card line!


Joy is a radical act