Joy is a radical act

This thought came into my head as I drove home from a short beachside R&R get away yesterday.

I was listening to some groovy tunes from the Digable Planets, throwback jazzy hiphop - do check them out! The tunes & general ease in my constitution from some time off got me dancing in my seat as I zoomed down the road. Traffic was a breeze. Life was a wheel of cheese. I drove to work today the same way.

Part of my mission with Mirthos Paper is to remind everyone to enjoy life! I have to remind myself of this, too, which is why I find it so important to share this reminder with the world. It took me a long time to excavate greater depths & acceptance of my own joy, my own inner workings, my own drum beat! I encourage you to find the precious tendrils of all the wild nuances of what makes YOU uniquely YOU! Then, as you find the edges of that (it’s an ongoing process!), find some ways to give yourself doses of soul nourishment so the wild, rebellious, creative, quiet parts & the adventurous parts of your spirit see that you are paying attention. Life is not just a buttoned up masquerade to look as officially “adult” or “proper” or “normal” as possible! Maybe this is news to you - so congrats & this is your permission slip to play!

Play is not just for children - and if you want a different word for it, by all means, call it what you will. Find the way to give yourself the poetry, the jazz, the icing on the cake, the juice, the sauce, the self care, the hard core, the hidden gems, the secret garden of your wildest dreams! This is a specific place & feeling truly one of a kind for each person. You can share with others when they tune into the same channel you’re on - that’s a great place! The more you scope out your zone, the more comfortable you are embodying that everyday - and the more likely you are to find more of your people! The more people you connect with who love your awesomesauce place, the more fun you will all have. People are the best - even for those of us who crave alone time & doing solo things! When you get into your own groove, you share good vibes all around to help others enjoy a moment, too.

Don’t be afraid to be the one dancing in the park to the busker on a bright afternoon! Don’t worry if sitting in the cafe alone writing is your jam - someone sees you enjoying your own time & thinks of the book they read long ago & the silent buzzing mystery of being enveloped in your own world that way & perhaps that sparks a lingering walk home on a different route. You never know!

There are realities of life & bills & rent & food, oh unrelenting hunger for this physical body!, of course. And I say, make it easy however you can. Add some fun. Add some joy. Make it weird. When you ride in on your good mood with an open heart (brought about by loving all your inner chaos!), your eyes will twinkle with the grace you can offer no matter what you encounter. The universe wants you to be happy! Make sure you look for the synchronicities in your path for these are clues as you discover all the divine whispers of your majestic self.

It’s radical to make your own path & choose your own adventure! It’s radical to do so with integrity & responsibility in a way that lights you up! No one else has a rule book, either. It doesn’t exist! You are reshaping the entirety of the universe each time you bring some mischievous, giggling, mirth into your everyday routine! Try it out & see! I dare you!

(There’s a card for this! Buy one as a reminder for yourself & more to send!)

Hilary Meehan

Lavish, eccentric & earnest - oh, yes, that describes me AND my greeting card line!

Poetry is necessary


Paper Peeps!